BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About searches > Working with collections > Creating and editing a collection

Creating and editing a collection

You can create a collection as either a new, empty list or from the results of first searching for documents.

NEW  To create an empty collection:

  1. On the Vault menu, click Collections. The Collections in <VaultName> dialog box appears.
  2. In the toolbar, click the New static collection button . A collection named New Collection is added to the list and the name is editable.
  3. Type a name for the new collection and press Enter.

To create a collection from search results:

  1. Run a search using Find as described in Using Find.
  2. To save the results as your My Search Results static collection, click Save. The documents may then be manipulated in the Navigation view instead of in the Find dialog. The collection is created if it does not yet exist or is overwritten if it does exist.

    To add the results to your existing My Search Results collection, click the arrowhead and select Add to My Search Results or Add to My Search Results and close.

    Note    Individual documents and folders may also be added to your existing My Search Results collection by clicking Add to My Search Result on the document shortcut menu.
  3. To save the results as a new static or dynamic collection with a different name or to add or remove it from it an existing static collection, click Save As. The Save Search dialog box appears.
  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Saved search options
Option Description

Create static collection with name

Type a descriptive name for the new collection.

Create dynamic collection with name

Type a descriptive name for the new collection.

Available for all users

Enable this option to make this collection available to other users, to select it as the scope of a report definition, or as a starting page for read-only Web Access users.


Displays additional options to add or subtract the results from an existing static collection. Enabled only if one or more static collections exist.

  1. Click OK to save your changes.

To add documents to an existing collection:

  1. Select the documents that you want to add to the collection.
  2. On the Document menu, click Add to Collection. The Collections in <VaultName> dialog box appears.
  3. In the collection list, click the name of the collection to which you want to add the selected documents and click OK. The documents are added to the selected collection.

To remove documents from an existing collection:

  1. Open the collection from which you want to remove documents as described in Viewing a collection.
  2. Select the documents that you want to remove from the collection.
  3. On the Document menu, click Remove from Collection. The selected documents are removed from the active collection.

Related concepts

About searches

Working with collections

Related tasks

Viewing a collection

Configuring a dynamic collection

Deleting a collection

Using Key Find

Using Quick Find

Using Find

Related information

Name Type options

More Criteria options

Object types options

References options

Search Settings options

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